wtmp file corruption or last command problem on 5.1A PK4

From: Senn, Bruce <sennb_at_union.edu>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 13:23:48 -0500

Last week Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I upgraded from 4.0f to 4.0G to
5.1 to 5.1A and then applied PK4 for 5.1A. I suspect corruption of the
wtmp file or a problem with the last command. From an empty wtmp file
everything seems to work for a while, then last fails to display more
recent logins. I can see additional entries in wtmp using a program
that displays a hex dump of the file. So far the only solution seems to
be to create a new, empty wtmp.

I do have a call in to HP support, but any additional insight would be

  Bruce J. Senn			Phone:  (518) 388-6664
  Senior System Manager		FAX:    (518) 388-6458
  Union College			E-mail:  sennb_at_union.edu
  Schenectady, NY 12308		WWW:  http://www1.union.edu/~sennb
Received on Tue Mar 04 2003 - 18:24:35 NZDT

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