Problems with Mathematica (V4.2) execution on Tru64 OS v5.1a

From: Padiyath Kumar <>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 11:16:15 +0100

   I have some more information regarding the problem of Mathematica. I get
   the plot problem only on the system console. If I use 'math' on my
   machine (OS: Microsoft Windows NT, connected to Tru64 machine via
   I donot get any problems. I get the plot.

   I have noticed the following process is running on the console. I have to
kill the math session
   to get rid of this process. The following is the process info:

   kumar 4204 0.0 0.5 4.86M 504K pts/1 I 09:36:07 0:00.88
motifps -mathlink -link
mode ParentConnect

  When I analyse this process id with lsof, I get the following message:

  %/usr/local/bin/lsof -p 4204|more

motifps 4204 kumar cwd VDIR 0,0 /afs (AFS)
motifps 4204 kumar txt VREG 0,0 /afs (AFS)
motifps 4204 kumar 0r VCHR 0,0 0t0 0
motifps 4204 kumar 1 can't read file
struct from 0xc00000f00026f026 <---------------
motifps 4204 kumar 2w VCHR 0,0 0t0 0
motifps 4204 kumar 3 can't read file
struct from 0xc00000f00026f026 <-------------------
motifps 4204 kumar 4u VCHR 0,0 0t1675 0
motifps 4204 kumar 5 can't read file
struct from 0xc00000f0002702ea <-------------------
motifps 4204 kumar 6u unix 0x03878540 0t0 ->0x038781c0
motifps 4204 kumar 7 can't read file
struct from 0xc00000f00026f026 <----------------
motifps 4204 kumar 8r FIFO 0x03c94400 0 2583
motifps 4204 kumar 9 can't read file
struct from 0xc00000f0002702ea <-----------------
motifps 4204 kumar 11 can't read file
struct from 0xc00000f00026e652 <------------------

    Can any one test this at your site and help?

   with best regards,

Iam enclosing my previos mail:

In PSI we are using Mathematica_4.2 on Tru64 machines(OS V5.1a).
  When the user uses Mathematica in the following way he gets no plot
  on the screen:

   % math
Mathematica 4.2 for Compaq Tru64 Unix
Copyright 1988-2002 Wolfram Research, Inc.
 -- Motif graphics initialized -- <------------------This should be Motif
and not Terminal

In[1]:= Plot[sin[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}]

    One can wait very very long. Nothing happens. The user has to kill
    the session.
    How do I start math in debug mode?

   Thanks in advance and with regards,

Received on Fri Mar 07 2003 - 10:19:08 NZDT

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