FOLLOWUP: An Error occured...

From: Dr. Otto Titze <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 12:11:22 +0100

Hi Managers,

I tested the Mail problem in some more detail.
X6 new V5.1B, mail directories from former V4.0D transferred
   graph. mailsetup: client
X5 new V4.0G,not for mail used before
   graph. mailsetup: client, mail.cfg the same as X6
X7 V5.1B (before NT Server)
   no mailsetup at all

Sending mails from XX to outside:
X6: not posible. " An Error occurred..."
    in mail.log:
    "sendmail NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): /var/adm/sendmail/
     line 86 file class: cannot open /var/adm/sendmail/local.users
     group writable directory
X5: Mail can be sent out. But shows " An Error occurred..."
    in mail.log:
    Mar 21 10:05:36 LINIX5 sendmail[31458]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root):
    Cannot bind to map mail.aliases in domain linac: no such map in
    server's domain: Invalid argument
X7: Mail can be sent out. No Error. A reasonable entry in Mail log.

Receiving mails is not possible on X6,X5,x7
Not possible on all ones. Message of the kind:
Cannot bind to map mail.aliases in domain xxxx no such map..

This is true, there never existed before in the NIS server this
map but mail but user could receive and send mails under V4.0d (I am
no more shure im we made a proper mailsetup years ago).I should note
the bulk of mails is handled in a VMS environment and only a few Unix
users have a forward from VMS to Node X6.

>From this point I can understand why it is impossible to send local
mails on one systen.

Interesting is the error message on X6 "...cannot open local.users ,
group writable directory" I get exactly the same message when I try
to say

I checked the permission of local.users, sendmail, mail but found them
to be the same on X5, X7, X6 and the backups from x6 under V4.0D

Under X7 (V5.1b as X6) newaliases works (and tells the number od

1. Could the transfer of the mail directory to Node X6 be
   responsible for the different behavior to X7?
2. I probaböy need mail.aliases now?


| Dr. Otto Titze, Kernphysik TUD |
| Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt |
| |
| Tel: +49(6151)16-2916,FAX:16-4321 |
Received on Fri Mar 21 2003 - 11:14:10 NZST

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