Problems with vrestore after V5.1A upgrade

From: steve shanks <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 15:10:54 -0700

Dear Managers:

I have recently upgraded one of my alphas to v5.1A from 4.0B. Backups made
with vdump are not recognizable by vrestore under the new OS. This
includes vdumps done on the old system and on the new. I am using
/dev/tape/tape0_d1. (I have a TLZ09 4mm DAT, using DDS2, 120m).

Vdump works fine, which I can see running in verbose mode. However when I
turn around and run vrestore, the following error occurs (using the same
dev as with vdump): "vrestore: unable to use save-set; invalid or corrupt
format", followed by a program abort with the final message, " vrestore:
can't obtain fileset attributes".

I believe /dev/tape(or ntape/tape0_d1, the default, is what I want based on
ramblings in man pages for "tape".

Any help is greatly appreciated in advance!

Thank you.

Received on Mon Mar 24 2003 - 22:12:43 NZST

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