Hung Partitions on GS320s

From: Shah, Alay <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 09:02:04 -0500

Fellow Sysadmins,

We have a couple of GS320s which have 4 partitions each. We also have 3 GS160s which have 2 partitions each. All running V5.1 or V5.1A with V6.4 of the Console Firmware.

We have several incidents of hung systems/partitions the GS320s but none on the GS160s. The system hangs, stops responding to ping and telnet commands. Even the console goes unresponsive. The only way, to break into the system is to go into the SCM console and try to halt it. Sometimes that works. There are other times when we end up powering off the system/partition, which means we lose the crash dump and any hopes of being able to figure out what caused the problem. Also, there's a chance of data/metadata corruption resulting in loss of filesystems or the data therein.

Also, there are no guarantees that powering off a single partition may not "accidently" power off the other partitions on the GS320. Is this a known problem with the console firmware on the GS class systems? Just curious if anyone else has experienced these problems. Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.

Tks & Rgds,

Alay Shah
> Cardinal Health, Medical Products and Services
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Received on Mon Apr 14 2003 - 14:03:13 NZST

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