question on an upgrading a 2 node cluster

From: Paul LaMadeleine <>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 14:30:21 -0400

Greetings all,

        I was wondering if I could short cut the upgrade of a cluster by following
these steps:

        1) shutdown/halt one member of the cluster
        2) shutdown to single user the other member
        3) upgrade/patch the member in single user mode
        4) boot upgraded member into cluster
        5) boot halted member into cluster.

        My question is would the halted member get upgraded?

        There is no reason to keep the entire cluster up during the upgrade so I
don't really see the need to do a rolling upgrade other than it's the only
way to do it. (other than dropping one member from the cluster and
re-adding, but then I would lose member specific files: crontabs, logs,
config files, etc).


Received on Wed Apr 16 2003 - 18:31:19 NZST

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