Two 8400's arranged in a TCR 1.6 cluster on 4.0g pk3 system.
Upon adding a disk service to nodeB, the other node nodeA began to have
problems communicating with its director:
# Apr 23 12:53:28 ussc6 last message repeated 16 times
Apr 23 12:53:33 ussc6 ASE: local Director Warning: timeout waiting on Reply
Apr 23 12:53:33 ussc6 ASE: local Director Error: can't initialize director
(inquire states), exiting...
Apr 23 12:53:33 ussc6 ASE: local Director Warning: Director exiting...
Apr 23 12:53:33 ussc6 cnxmibd[495]: local AseMgr Error: can't find director
in portmap, retrying...
Apr 23 12:53:34 ussc6 ASE: ussc6b Agent Notice: starting a new director
# Apr 23 12:53:38 ussc6 cnxmibd[495]: local AseMgr Error: can't find
director in portmap, retrying...
This repeats every 3 minutes. At this point I have shutdown nodeB which is
not a big deal. nodeA however continues on with the above messages. I
cannot at this time shutdown nodeA as it is in production.
Has anyone seen this before? Is there a fix I can perform to resolve this
problem without rebooting?
Also, I cannot get into asemgr. The last time I was in asemgr I was on
nodeB and had added the new disk service. It never came back from the
starting disk service operation (although it did mount the filesets).
Any help would be appreciated...
John Farmer
Received on Wed Apr 23 2003 - 17:22:25 NZST