Procmail & Tru64

From: John Deacon <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 11:49:29 +0100 (BST)

Hi all -

possibly a little off-topic but i've had no help from the procmail mailing
list so here goes...

i've installed procmail so i can use spamassassin and noticed an annoying
feature which i initially thought was down to spamassassin but further
investigation seems to indicate it's actually procmail. what happens is
that all incoming mail goes through procmail and gets the header rewritten
such that the 'To:' and 'Cc:' fields have the hostnames stripped out of
all addresses. so, for example, an email sent

  From: user_at_some.where
  Cc: someone_at_some.where.else

will appear in my inbox as

  From: user_at_some.where
  To: John Deacon <jrd>, abc
  Cc: someone

this doesn't happen if i don't pass email through procmail. obviously this
can make replying to all recipients a little tricky...

i'm currently using a ~/.forward file containing (as recommended in the

  "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #jrd"

and my ~/.procmailrc file is now totally empty so procmail should be doing
nothing at all to incoming emails but it's still stripping out hostnames...

this is procmail v3.22 built out of the box with the default settings on a
Tru64 v5.1 (PK6) machine. procmail on a Linux machine doesn't seem to do
this, so is this a Tru64 'feature' or just something i'm doing wrong ?



John Deacon | UCL Starlink Site Manager
Dept Physics and Astronomy | Email:
University College London | Tel: 020 7679 7147
Gower Street London WC1E 6BT | Fax: 020 7679 7145
Received on Tue Apr 29 2003 - 10:52:22 NZST

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