Fellow Sysadmins,
We have to change the IP addresses on a couple of V4.0F ASE Clusters.
* Does the asecdb keep track of the IP addresses of the cluster members as well as the services?
* How would you change the IP addresses of both cluster members at the same time? Do you have to delete a member, change the IP addresses on the member that is left with all the services, change the deleted member's IP address and add it back into ASE?
* Is there an option in asemgr to change the IP address of a service without deleting it and adding it back in?
Last time we did this, it was just a single node cluster with one service. We deleted the service, changed the IP address of the host and added the service back in using asemgr. Piece of cake. But when we have to change the IP addresses on clusters with multiple nodes with multiple services it's slightly different because we would like to avoid taking apart the ASE if we can. Has anyone done this? If so how did you do it?
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!
Tks & Rgds,
Alay Shah
> Cardinal Health, Medical Products and Services
Enterprise Technology Services
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Received on Tue May 06 2003 - 22:21:24 NZST