how to send printer esape codes ..?

From: selcuk karaca <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 13:10:29 +0300

Hello all..
Tru64Unix V5.1

I am in trouble...Your helps strongly requested..
We have an epson DFX5000+ printer. It is connectd to a DEC700 terminal
server (LAT protocol based...)
Normally it has 4 page length properties which can be set with dip
switches.. none of them satisfies us.. I have learned from manual that, I
can send an escape code to reset page length in lines freely..

According to manual;

ESC C n (n=page length in lines) will do the job..

I have prepared a file to set the page length to 33 (41 octal) lines

echo "\033\C\041" > SetPage33

But When I send the file.. It just prints C! and does nothing about page
printer def file is this (in /etc/printcap);


NOTE:I have changed if & of parameters from la324of to lpf but, nothing has

Help me...!

Unix System Administrator
Received on Mon May 12 2003 - 10:05:57 NZST

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