SEMI-SUMMARY: moving cartridges in a MSL5026 Library set to "sequential" mode

From: <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 18:05:47 +0200 (CEST)

Dear alpha colleagues,

This is not a summary but just what I've learned up to now
about my new MSL5026 SDLT Library.

1) You can remotely move cartridges only when the Library
 is set to "Random mode". You can use the following way:
    a) WEB interface
    b) OS commands:
            robot ....... (from MRU kit)
            scu -f /dev/changer/mc0 show elements
            scu -f /dev/changer/mc0 move ......

1) When the Library is set to "Sequential Mode" you loose
 any possibility to remotely move cartridges (both via OS commands and
 via the WEB interface): the only way to move cartridges is to step into
 the computer room and touch the LCD screen.
 Since Sequential mode is not settable using any O.S. command, it is
 impossibile to use sequential mode from scripts (and cron!) if it is
 necessary to select the cartridge on which start the job.
 Infact to start a Sequential mode action on a cartridge located in a
 slot (thus not already in a drive), if you don't want to step in the
 computer room, you have to:
 a) set the library into Random mode (via LCD or WEB interface)
 b) place the desired cartrige into the Library drive
    (via OS commands, LCD or WEB interface)
 c) set the library into Sequential mode (via LCD or WEB interface)
 d) start the script which uses the Tape unit /dev/tape/tapeX (not the
    Changer which does'nt work any more!)

2) Using the WEB interface there is no way to know the labels of the
 cartridges present in the slots (apart loading one by one into one
 drive). You can have the Library inventory list only from O.S. (thus
 only if you are in Random mode) using on of the following commands:
         robot show slot
         scu -f /dev/changer/mc0 show elements

 I have not been able to let the Library automatically load the netx
 tape. I'm using vdump from O.S. and, even in Sequential mode I'm always
 requested to load next tape
        vdump: Change Tapes: Mount tape# 0002
        vdump: can't open device file </dev/tape/tape0c>; not ready

 The next tape is not mounted not even pressing RETURN so I can't hope
 to use "expect" do do the job. I tried with both the /dev/tape and the
 /dev/ntape devices.

 HP told me to check the following:
         1) Library Mode must be changed from Random (default) to Sequential Drv0
         2) Sequential Mode must remain at Normal (default)
         3) Test Unit Ready (TUR) must remain at Custom (default)
 I checked all of them but the problem is always there.

4) In the User Guide (in the appendixes nobody ever reads) there are
 pictures showing that the hardware layout of a Random Library is
 different from the one of a Sequential one.
 The SCSI cable which connects the tape drive to the library controller
 board of a Library working in Random mode should be removed to properly
 set the Library itself to Sequential mode.
 Unfortunately I have the odd behavour pointed out at 3) even with this
 new hardware configuration.

 a) If the above SCSI cable is present then you can use both Random
   and Sequential mode (which does'nt work any way as said at 3)).
   In Random mode, from OS you see the Changer device /dev/changer/mcX and you can
   use it via robot and scu commands.
   In Sequential mode, the OS sees the Changer device, but it dosn't work.

 b) If the above SCSI cable is NOT present you can use ONLY Sequential
   mode since the OS doesn't see any changer device.

Hoping all that stuff helps somebody,

Ciao from Italy


$$$ Emanuele Lombardi
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Received on Wed May 14 2003 - 16:06:37 NZST

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