SUMMARY: Oracle error on 5.1

From: Chris Bryant <Chris.Bryant_at_DTAG.Com>
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 10:34:43 -0500

Thanks to Chris Medaglia, Walter North, Allan Rollow, Andy Cohen, Jim Lola,
Mohamed K. Ahmed, and Dr. Thomas Blinn for their responses. Most responses
suggested tuning the ipc and proc kernel paramaters. After getting with one
of our lead DBA's we found where/what oracle recomends setting kernel
params. The following are the paramaters I changed and the values I set.




The last paramater was changes as per recommendation from HP Tru64 gold
support team. The server was rebooted and changes taken effect and as of
current we still have not got the error number 12. As to the other numbers
gotten in the error message, that is something that oracle will have to

Thanks again,

Chris Bryant

-----Original Message-----

        I have a GS140, 5.1 pk 5 with 5 point patches. Last night our DBA's
upgraded to 9.2.0 oracle and now they are getting the following error

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27102: out of memory
Compaq Tru64 UNIX Error: 12: Not enough space
Additional information: 1
Additional information: 1540

Here was oracle's response:

In general, it's kernel level memory availability. When you receive the
error, it is a result of the instance requesting memory space from the OS
and the required amount not being available. The 'Additional information:
1540' is reported by the OS - you'll need to contact the vendor for more
specifics, but regardless of the method of resolution, the issue appears to
be specific to available resources on the server.

Has anyone ran into this error? Does anybody know what "Additional
information: 1540" is?


Chris Bryant
Unix Administrator
Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group
(918) 669-3213
Received on Tue Jun 03 2003 - 15:35:13 NZST

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