Woot! That was quick and painless. Thanks to Alan Davis for the speedy
response. Here is what he said:
"the timezone command is a SYSV compatability feature.
You want to change the /etc/zoneinfo/localtime link to point to ./EST5EDT
This is a common issue, for some reason. "
So I went ahead and re-linked the localtime to point at ./EST5EDT and then I
checked the date, and it automagically changed to the correct time. Thank you
very much. =)
Jonathan Williams
Unix Systems Administrator
The Shubert Organization, Inc.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Williams" <jonathw_at_shubertorg.com>
To: <tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:37 PM
Subject: Timezone issue
> While I'm waiting on responses for the problem I posted earlier, another issue
> has cropped up. I searched around, but couldn't find an answer (other than
> I've tried already), so figured I'd ask here.
> The new system we got in (Alpha ES80, Tru64 5.1b patchkit 2) seems to think
> we are in Eastern Standard Time, and not the correct Eastern Daylight
> Time...making the server's time an hour off. I've tried to correct this by
> running "timezone", and in this program it asks you if your area alternates
> between daylight savings and standard time, and I say YES to this, but it
> remains in eastern standard time. In the man page for timezone, it mentions
> file /etc/svid2_tZ...so here is the contents of that file:
> TZC="5 dst 1"
> At first I was really really confused (now I'm just really confused) because
> this system connects to an NTP server for the time...so I figured somehow this
> wasn't working...but then I figured that EST EDT is probably just a system
> based on the date (and the date is correct btw). And it does keep the same
> as our other servers, exactly an hour off. If someone could help me out here,
> it would be wonderful.
> Jonathan Williams
> Unix Systems Administrator
> The Shubert Organization, Inc.
Received on Thu Jun 19 2003 - 19:55:16 NZST