Tru64 Upgrade Docs Missing

From: Tru64 User <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 08:51:41 -0700 (PDT)

HI All,

Its been a while since I have been subjected to tru64
upgrades. Looking at the upgrade paths documentation
online (
), it seems there are no docs for 5.1.

Did i miss something along the way? Was there
something wrong with 5.1 that I should be aware of? or
the docs are simply just missing?

The system currently runs 4.0G, and only other cd's we
have are 5.1 and 5.1B. Somehow the shipment of 5.1A
missed us....but just being on any 5.x is OK for now.




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Received on Thu Jun 26 2003 - 15:52:43 NZST

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