trouble: LTO/fibre on TruCluster 5.1A

From: MMP Rupp Wolfgang <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:56:54 +0200

We have severe problems here with native fibre LTO drives in a
backup library in our clusters. Problems include tape access,
speed (extreme slowness), errors messages like :
"tar No input" and
"Tape is fixed block and byte count is not a multiple of block size.
Blocking factor of tape is 131072"

The ddr.db entries are as specified by the local HP tech.
EXACTLY the same ddr.db entry works fine on standalone systems
here and (as I am told) with other HP/Tru64 customers.

Unfortunately there seems to be no one else in Austria with
fibre-based LTO drives on a Tru64 cluster.

Has anybody an idea about this?

Wolfgang Rupp
Network Administrator

MM Packaging Europe GmbH
Floragasse 7
A-1040 Wien
Tel: +43 1 50257 238
Fax: +43 1 50257 260
Received on Fri Jun 27 2003 - 08:58:36 NZST

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