Firmware upgrade fails

From: Iain Barker <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 10:26:05 -0400

The continuing of a dead AS4100

Robert Collins helpfully provided a copy of the FSL floppy.

However it is not possible to use FSL unless the system itself
detects firmware corruption.

In our case, the firmware is not corrupt (system boots) but I
am unable to re-flash to a later version using LFU.

Any ideas?

Console log below. Thanks.

UPD> list

Device Current Revision Filename Update Revision

AlphaBIOS V5.70-0 arcrom V5.70-0

pks0 A12 kzpsa_fw A12

pks1 A12 kzpsa_fw A12

srmflash V5.6-4 srmrom V6.0-4

                                   cipca_fw A420


UPD> update * -all
WARNING: updates may take several minutes to complete for each device.

AlphaBIOS Updating to V5.70-0... FAILED.

pks0 Updating to A12 ... Verifying A12... PASSED.

pks1 Updating to A12 ... Verifying A12... PASSED.

srmflash Updating to V6.0-4... FAILED.

Received on Thu Jul 10 2003 - 14:41:25 NZST

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