I received these answers from Pat O'Brien:
having previously lost power or loose connection, and then recharging with
connection returned.
sound good to me, eh. Once a connection to the battery has been made,
charging will begin.
From Alan Rollow:
In no particular order...
o Flakey Battery.
o Flakey Controller
o Battery started to discharge, perhaps to a full
discharge, making it "Bad", then power or the
appearance of power returned, allowing it to
become good. This could have been a real power
failure, or the battery simply being disconnected
from the controller.
Format or view the binary event log to see the full
sequence of events. HSG family controller do few
things quietly. Even the event causing the initial
"battery bad" may offer more detail as to the cause.
For HS{G,J,D,Z} family events look for the Instance
Code. You can look it up in the Service Guide to see the detailed
From Jim Kurtenbach:
A loose connection?
A cache battery about to fail?
And from Robert Collins:
The batteries are subject to a "trickle" charge from the controller itself.
The batteries are checked every 10 hours after it gets a "failed" status
and if the batteries appear good at that point they will be marked as such.
If this continues for some period of days I would get your field service
person in to change the battery.
Original message:
What would cause an ECB (external cache battery) module
to go from "failed" to "good" without any intervention
on my part?
This ECB is in a RA8000, single HSZ80 config.
Received on Tue Jul 22 2003 - 14:19:25 NZST