SUMMARY: Need help with changing IPs in 5.1A cluster.

From: Reed, Judith <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 09:45:02 -0400

I asked about the procedure for re-ip'ing our cluster nodes while
retaining the same mnemonics (actually did change cluster aliases,
however) under T64v51a. Lots of responses, many huge thanks to all!

Yogesh Banu pointed me to the "Best Practices" section of the HP
website, which turns out to have a document under "Cluster Management"
"Moving a Cluster to Another IP Subnet". This was exactly what I needed.
It goes into extensive detail on various IP modification scenarios,
specifying what files to edit, supplying checklists, and especially
providing scripts to run at various times to verify different steps
during the process.

The whole process took several hours, and required intense attention to
detail, but it worked almost flawlessly, only problem was I missed tcpd
mods which bit me on the rsh startup for awhile.

Files which were changed were:

Again, thanks!

Judith Reed

"Fascism should more properly be called 'corporatism,' since it is the
marriage of government and corporate power." Benito Mussolini
Received on Mon Aug 11 2003 - 13:45:43 NZST

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