Here is the solution. Thanks to Paul Moore.
This is a known problem which will be fixed in a future patch release of
Tru64. However, in the meantime there is are some rather simple
workarounds that you can do to fix the problem:
* Solution #1:
If you are using klogin and/or kshell you need to add/uncomment the two
following lines in /etc/clua_services
klogin 543/tcp static
kshell 544/tcp static
* Solution #2:
If you are not using klogin and/or kshell you can disable them in
/etc/inetd.conf by commenting out the following lines
kshell stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/rshd rshd -K
klogin stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/rlogind rlogind -K
>I recently installed a 3 node V5.1B memory channel cluster. Applied
the latest patchkit. Everything seems to be working fine, though I >am
getting these messages on the console and daemon.log every now and then.
Not sure if this is normal.
>Any suggestions?
>Aug 18 11:06:11 line inetd[1049955]: kshell/tcp: bind: Address already
in use
>Aug 18 11:16:11 line inetd[1049955]: klogin/tcp: bind: Address already
in use
>Aug 18 10:55:21 sinker inetd[525731]: klogin/tcp: bind: Address
already in use
>Aug 18 10:55:21 sinker inetd[525731]: kshell/tcp: bind: Address
already in use
>Aug 18 11:05:21 sinker inetd[525731]: klogin/tcp: bind: Address
already in use
Received on Tue Aug 19 2003 - 18:30:39 NZST