SUMMARY: Survey, Tru64 UNIX to HP-UX printing migration

From: Ernest <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:35:49 -0400

Hello Administrators,

If you haven't reponded to the survey it's not too late, so why not
do it today! If you don't want to take a survey, but have lpr/lpd
or HP-UX printing comments or feature requests, mail them to me.

Thank you to everyone who has responded the survey.

We received 19 responses the first week and none the second week, so
now seems like a good time to provide a summary.

Below is a general summary, followed by additional comments I have
on the lpr/lpd printing environment.

    - Almost everyone is using a mix of HP and non-HP printers including
      laser, impact, dot matrix, and special function printers.

    - Print filters were created to:
        - add CR after LF.
        - convert text to PostScript.
        - remove printer command sequences.
        - send email.
        - print to multiple printers.

    - Most sites are using a single printing solution.

    - Lpr/lpd is preferred over other methods because:
      - it's easy to configure remote printers and apply special
        nonstandard print filter solutions.
      - the centralized printcap file makes it easy to maintain.

    - Printer connection methods in order of most to least used:
      lpd remote, tcp/ip, serial/parallel.

    - Migration
      - Tool to convert printcap file.
      - Some people are not migrating.
      - Migrate Tru64 lpr/lpd print system to HP-UX.

Over the years I have read, and responded to many lpr/lpd printing
questions. I have noticed that many people are using lpd remote
printing when tcp/ip printing with print filters would be a better
solution. Print filters resolve simple issues such as stair stepping,
but also provide features such as banner pages, landscape printing,
two sided printing, tray selection and more.

As of V5.1 all the new printers are supported using the pcfof or ppdof
print filters with a printer specific configuration file.

The ppdof print filter provides text to PostScript formatting and is
capable of reading ppd files. This filter provides features such as
media selection, page margins, automatic font size scaling, and more.
A Best Practice on how to configure an unsupported PostScript printer
is provided at:

The pcfof print filter provides a non-PostScript printer solution. All
the necessary printer command sequences are contained in a .pcf file
that resides in /usr/lbin/pcf. If you can create a script to add
printer commands to a file, try creating a .pcf file.

Did you know that support for new printers is provided on the web?
The top level printing web page is:

Click on the Download tab, then on the '>> supported printers' hot link.

Thank you for providing us with information on your printing environment
and printing needs.

Ernest LaBonte

Hewlett-Packard Company
Tru64 UNIX Printing Engineering
eMail: Ernest.LaBonte _at_ (Remove spaces)

---- Original Mail ----

Hello Administrators,

In our effort to identify Tru64 UNIX to HP-UX printing migration solutions,
the engineering team request a moment of your time to answer some questions.

The questionnaire is available on line at:

For your convenience a text version of the questionnaire is provided below.
The completed form can be mailed to Ernest.LaBonte _at_

We are looking forward to hearing from you. The information you provide
will be valuable in helping us plan a printing migration solution.

Ernest LaBonte

Hewlett-Packard Company
Tru64 UNIX Printing Engineering
eMail: Ernest.LaBonte _at_ (Remove spaces)

1 For those using Tru64 UNIX BSD (lpr/lpd) style printing:

1.1 What printers do you currently use with UNIX BSD style printing?

1.2 If you have developed your own software or print filters for the Tru64
    UNIX print environment, please provide a brief description of the added

1.3 If you use a mixed environment, (BSD style, Advanced Printing, System V,
    other), and it is important for you to have BSD style printing
    please explain why.

1.4 If you prefer BSD style printing over other methods, please explain?

2 General Print Environment questions:

2.1 How many printers are connected via each of the following methods:

  2.1a Network printing, directly to the printer using TCP/IP socket.
        (lp=_at_printername/socketnumber in /etc/printcap)

        The number of TCP/IP network printers:

  2.1b Hard connection, printer connected to a serial or parallel port.
        (lp=/dev/tty?? or lp=/dev/lp0 in /etc/printcap):

        The number of hard connected printers:

  2.1c Remote printing to something other than a print or terminal server.
        (rm and rp specifiers in /etc/printcap)

        The number of remote printers:

  2.2 Do you use Tru64 UNIX BSD style printing for high volume, continuous
       (e.g. all day long) output, and if so, what have you done to tune
       printing environment to maximize throughput?

2.3 If you are going to migrate your print environment from Tru64 UNIX to
    HP-UX and have not done so before, what kind of migration tools do you
    think would be helpful to you?

3 HP-UX System V print Environment:

3.1 If there any Tru64 UNIX BSD style printing features that you would like
    to see in the HP-UX System V print environment, please explain.

3.2 If you know of any printers that you currently use on Tru64 UNIX which
    are not supported on HP-UX, please list them.

3.3 If you have already migrated your printing environment from Tru64 UNIX
    to HP-UX (or from BSD styled to System V on any type of system), what
    kind of migration tools were helpful or would have been helpful?

4 For those using a Third Party Print Solution:

  If you are not using a Third Party Solution, please continue to section 5.

4.1 Please describe your printing environment.

4.2 What printers do you use in this environment?

4.3 Is this third-party software available on HP-UX?

5 Additional Comments:
Received on Thu Aug 21 2003 - 14:34:41 NZST

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