
From: Rainer Schwierz <>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 07:54:32 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi all,

did somone test openssh-3.7p1 on tru64 V4.0d (I know it is very old..) ?
Like the old versions it compiles without problems, but
openssh-3.6p2 is running without problems, but sshd under openssh-3.7p1
crashes with:
debug3: Seeding PRNG from /usr/local/libexec/ssh-rand-helper
debug2: read_server_config: filename /etc/ssh/sshd_config
debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_3.7p1
debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.
debug1: read PEM private key done: type DSA
debug1: private host key: #0 type 2 DSA
debug1: Bind to port 23 on
Server listening on port 23.
debug1: Server will not fork when running in debugging mode.
Connection from port 36224
debug1: Client protocol version 2.0; client software version OpenSSH_3.4p1
debug1: match: OpenSSH_3.4p1 pat
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.7p1
debug2: Network child is on pid 5626
debug3: preauth child monitor started
debug3: mm_request_receive entering
debug3: privsep user:group 74:74
debug1: permanently_set_uid: 74/74
permanently_set_uid: was able to restore old [e]gid
debug1: Calling cleanup 0x12006b590(0x0)

Thanks in advance, Rainer

| |
| Rainer Schwierz, Inst. f. Kern- und Teilchenphysik |
| TU Dresden, D-01062 Dresden |
| Tel. ++49 351 463 32957 FAX ++49 351 463 33114 |
| |
Received on Fri Sep 19 2003 - 05:56:45 NZST

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