adding a statis route (point to point)

From: Rich Glazier <>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 15:26:48 -0400

I have 2 DS20s each with a single NIC set up on the primary network. it is a 10.1 netowrk with a netmask.

i have added a second NIC (ee1) in each machine. they are to talk to eachother only through these interfaces. i have assigned an IP and netmask to those cards that is totally different than our primary network. it is a 172.12 address with a (class c) subnet.

gated and routed are not running on either machine.

question: how can i ensure that one node's traffic destined for the other node goes via the second nic? can i do a route add or add an entry in the routes file and restart networking?

example: Host As second NIC is
          Host Bs second NIC is

          I want everythng on Host A destined to, to go through host As second NIC ( can i "route add -host -dev ee1", even though isn't a gateway, but the end of the line?


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Received on Tue Sep 30 2003 - 19:29:06 NZST

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