T645.1,pk5: SCSI event: ss_perform_timeout

From: Uwe Lienig <Uwe.Lienig_at_fif.mw.htw-dresden.de>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 11:20:02 +0200

Hi managers,

System: AS1200, 2CPU/1,25GB mem
OS: T64 v5.1pk5 (T64V51B19AS0005-20020411 OSF510)

I've got these two messages in my eventlog, mailed to me through our mailserver.

I'd like to hear if these two disks are going bad or if there is some pin
cleaning necessary.

Since the disk on bus 0, target 0 is the system disk holding the OS I'm somewhat
suspicious and would like to replace this drive before the whole system will
come down.

Snippet from the eventlog

======================= Binary Error Log event =======================
EVM event name: sys.unix.binlog.hw.scsi

     Binary error log events are posted through the binlogd daemon, and
     stored in the binary error log file, /var/adm/binary.errlog. This
     event is used to report all SCSI device errors, including disk,
     tape, HSZ raid events, and adapter errors.


Formatted Message:
     SCSI event

Event Data Items:
     Event Name : sys.unix.binlog.hw.scsi
     Priority : 700
     PID : 323
     PPID : 1
     Event Id : 2192
     Timestamp : 04-Oct-2003 23:42:20
     Host IP address : <ip.address>
     Host Name : <hostname>
     User Name : root
     Format : SCSI event
     Reference : cat:evmexp.cat:300

Variable Items:
     subid_class (INT32) = 199
     subid_num (INT32) = 0
     subid_unit_num (INT32) = 8
     subid_type (INT32) = 34
     binlog_event (OPAQUE) = [OPAQUE VALUE: 1096 bytes]

============================ Translation =============================
Sequence number of error: 1247
Time of error entry: 04-Oct-2003 23:41:54
Host name: mfifmx0

Controller type: DISK
SCSI device class: DEC SIM
Bus Number: 0
Target number: 1
Lun Number: 0

Name of routine that logged the event: ss_perform_timeout
Event information: timeout on disconnected request

                ############### Entry End ###############

Event information: Active CCB at time of error

                ############### Entry End ###############


======================= Binary Error Log event =======================
EVM event name: sys.unix.binlog.hw.scsi

     Binary error log events are posted through the binlogd daemon, and
     stored in the binary error log file, /var/adm/binary.errlog. This
     event is used to report all SCSI device errors, including disk,
     tape, HSZ raid events, and adapter errors.


Formatted Message:
     SCSI event

Event Data Items:
     Event Name : sys.unix.binlog.hw.scsi
     Priority : 700
     PID : 323
     PPID : 1
     Event Id : 2200
     Timestamp : 04-Oct-2003 23:42:20
     Host IP address :
     Host Name : mfifmx0
     User Name : root
     Format : SCSI event
     Reference : cat:evmexp.cat:300

Variable Items:
     subid_class (INT32) = 199
     subid_num (INT32) = 0
     subid_unit_num (INT32) = 0
     subid_type (INT32) = 34
     binlog_event (OPAQUE) = [OPAQUE VALUE: 1096 bytes]

============================ Translation =============================
Sequence number of error: 1255
Time of error entry: 04-Oct-2003 23:42:02
Host name: mfifmx0

Controller type: DISK
SCSI device class: DEC SIM
Bus Number: 0
Target number: 0
Lun Number: 0

Name of routine that logged the event: ss_perform_timeout
Event information: timeout on disconnected request

                ############### Entry End ###############

Event information: Active CCB at time of error

                ############### Entry End ###############


Uwe Lienig  | fon: (+49 351) 462 2780 | mailto:uwe.lienig_at_fif.mw.htw-dresden.de
             | fax: (+49 351) 462 3476 | http://www.fif.mw.htw-dresden.de
HTW Dresden | parcels: Gutzkowstr. 22 | letters: PF 12 07 01
    -FiF-    |          01069 Dresden  |          01008 Dresden
Received on Mon Oct 06 2003 - 09:22:46 NZDT

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