Well that summary was easy thanks to Tom Blinn
However, I determined that after properly terminating an ftp
session, 'last' on the host still reports it as logged in and it only
reports it as terminated after a new session is started, e.g.
zeus.kednos.com> last|head
ftp ftp thor.kednos.com Mon Oct 06 11:24 still logged in
ftp ftp Mon Oct 06 03:22 - 11:24 (08:01)
ftp ftp Sun Oct 05 07:38 - 03:22 (19:44)
wtmp begins Sun Oct 05 07:38
I guess I would regard this as a bug
>> Issuing the command 'last' indicates an ftp user still logged in,
>> but 'ps' does not show any process. How do I determine the id?
>> Also /proc is at 100% should this be?
>> I am seeing this on both 5.1a and 4.0d.
>"last" only knows what it can find in wtmp, and that file is NOT a
>sure thing; for instance, if the system crashes after the "start
>session" record is written but before a matching "end session" gets
>out, then you can see the kind of situation you are seeing. Don't
>lose sleep over it.
>"/proc" always looks like it's 100%, it's that way by design, since
>it's read only anyway, it really doesn't matter. Don't worry about
>it (they all do that).
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