SUMMARY: Does a RSS of OK (from ps) mean a process is swapped out?

From: Reed, Judith <>
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 10:47:02 -0400

Thanks to Fred N. van Kempen and Dr. Tom Blinn for a quick "yes".

Dr. Blinn adds:

"Try "ps aux | grep 'W'" and see if they show up in the list.
The "W" is the "swapped out" flag in the process state column. Or get
that info in your ps -ef output by adding "state" to your list of the
fields you want."

I asked:
> > On a T64v5.1a system, if I do something like
> > "ps -ef -o uid,pid,rss,vsz,args"
> > there are processes whose RSS value is 0K (zero kilobytes),
> > while their VSZ is somewhat larger. This is on a system using
> > lazy swap, if that matters. Can I assume these processes are
> > actually swapped out? There is some swap in use, about 37800 pages.
Received on Thu Oct 09 2003 - 14:48:18 NZDT

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