Tru64 4.0F with TruCluster : patch failures on PK7 to PK8 upgrade

From: Grant Van Dyck <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 12:10:47 -0500

Here is a solution to allow PK8 to install on a V4.0F/ASE system with PK7

In single user mode, run dupatch and delete patches

Then run the PK8 install and it will install corectly.

It's not possible to re-issue the PK 8 kit, so this solution will need
to suffice. This only affects system with PK7 cluster patches installed.

 Grant Van Dyck mail:
 Technical Leader or:
 Support Pools
 Unix Base Product Group (UBPG) (603) 884-2932
 110 Spitbrook Road
 Nashua, NH 03062-2698

Received on Wed Oct 29 2003 - 17:13:23 NZDT

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