summary: internet connectivity for alpha system

From: Chandra babu <>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 20:52:05 -0800 (PST)

Thanks to the following people who has replied and I
will be working on this next Month when the system is

Mr.Trevor Osatchuk sent following message:

There have been many who have gone down this road!
Check out the relevant man pages; modem, inittab, tip,
getty, ppp, slip and chat. Start with modem though,
it provides a step-by-step procedure.

If you get stuck post a more specific question or
search the archives. There are a number of archived
articles dealing with this:

The last one has an rtf doc attached that has a lot of
good info. I strongly suggest you use the modem man
page first and these other documents or the list when
you get stuck.

Mr. Judith Reed
I don't have details, not having done it on tru64, but
Celeste Stokely
has lots of writeups of slip/ppp on different unix
architectures on her
web page:

Mr. Lanier John
Gave full ppp and slip configuration from the sys
admin book

chandra babu

J.M CHANDRA BABU PH-080-2353300-15
ENGINEER-CS RES-080-3598052
CMC LTD. PAGER-9624-213790

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