EMC Clariion with Tru64 AlphaServer

From: Deacy, Michael <Michael.Deacy_at_TycoHealthcare.com>
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 11:37:52 -0600

Greetings admins:

We are poised to connect a GS60E AlphaServer to an EMC Clariion CX600, with
McData switches (w/EMC tag on them), and dual HP FCA2354 2Gb HBAs installed
in the GS60E.

We're planning on running Tru64 5.1B on it and I've got a couple of
questions, which I'm also checking out with HP & EMC:

1. Is anyone else using Clariions and how have they been for you?
2. Can you use a Clariion device for a root disk? Any special
3. Do you make use of failover/load balancing (assuming two fabrics)
and is that a Tru64 controlled feature or an EMC product?

Thanks (as always) for any feedback and suggestions.

Mike Deacy
U.S. Surgical
Norwalk, CT
(203) 845-2732
Received on Fri Nov 07 2003 - 17:44:47 NZDT

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