Checksums on patch downloads

From: Chris Ruhnke <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 09:28:34 -0600

This is the first tim e I have visited the "new" HP patch database website.

Digital/Compaq used to list the tar-ball file checksum in the <patch>.txt
file that described the patch.
I haven't been able to find anywhere that such a checksum is listed.

How can I verify that I have downloaded the validated patch kit?
In a security conscious environment there has to be some way of cross
validating the tarball.


Chris H. Ruhnke
Systems Management Integration Professional
Mid-Range Technical Services
IBM Global Services
St. Louis, MO

O'Toole's Law: Murphy is an optimist.
Received on Thu Nov 20 2003 - 15:30:01 NZDT

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