From: <Chris.Bryant_at_DTAG.Com>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 14:25:47 -0600

Thanks to Dr. Thomas Blinn, Martin Anderson, and Bryan Lavelle for their
responses. It was Dr. Blinn's response provided the best answer:

I went and talked to my colleagues in the VM space. They told me that there
were some interesting problems with the "wildfire" class systems (your GS160
is in that family) where depending on the configuration of the memory, you
might get some really preposterous outputs from the vmstat -P command. I
showed them your output, and they immediately spotted some of the known

Reportedly all the known problems were fixed in the latest patch kit which
for V5.1A is PK6 which just came out this month. So if you are somewhat
brave and really want the fix, our recommendation is get the latest patch
kit and install it. Be warned, however, that there is a subtle problem in
the "find" command if you are using the "-follow" option to follow CDSLs or
other symbolic links; apparently if you do not have the trailing "/" on a
directory link the command no longer follows the link. This could break
scripts. The simple fix is to be sure you keep a copy of the "find" command
from your current system and put it back in place after you install the
patches, since it is not broken in the same way. (Obviously, save the
updated bad copy so you can put it back before you install the NEXT patch

If you can live with the defective "vmstat -P" output, I'd suggest you let
the latest patch kit "soak" for a while before you update. But I'm just
cautious about things like that on production systems.


Thanks Again


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bryant
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 9:12 AM
Subject: Vmstat -P


        We have a GS160 running 5.1A with 98 gb of memory. The output of
our vmstat -P under physical memory used is 139 gb. Maybe I am overlooking
something small but why does the "phyical memory used" show more that what
we have installed?


Chris Bryant
Unix Administrator
Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group
Received on Thu Nov 20 2003 - 20:28:13 NZDT

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