Summary: Legato NetWorker problems since installing Tru64 v5.1B p k3

From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 09:50:05 +1100

Original Problem:
Since I installed Patch Kit 3 for Tru64 v5.1B, I've been seeing ptoblems with Legato NetWorker.
The Tru64 systems are clients to a server running Solstice Backup on a Solaris box.

The backups are failing with an error message of
    savegrp: raptor:/home4 unexpectedly exited.
    * raptor:/home4 ! no output
where raptor is the tru64 host name and home4 is a mount point
I had useful replies from Dan Goetzman and Arnold Sutter.
The most useful information came from Arnold Sutter :
> Yes. There is a problem in PK3 that prevents many
> networking backup products from working correctly.
> Ask HP Service for this Patch:
> PatchId Summary Of Fix
> ----------------------------------------
> C407.00 AT_G08565: Fix for
> premature connection termination

I have applied this patch and it appears to have fixed the problem.
The patch involves a kernel rebuild and reboot of the system.

Blair Phillips
Ipex Information Technology Group
Received on Sun Dec 14 2003 - 22:52:20 NZDT

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