I seem to have a somewhat strange problem, on a DS20 running 4.0G Patchkit4,
every morning around 04:50 /dev/null was changed from a system file to a
standard normal file, obviously not correct. By a process of elimination
it appears that the daily defragcron job was responsible (since I
commented it out in the crontab the problem has not re-occured). however
we also run a defragment by directly calling defragment once a week &
this seems not to cause a problem.
In the short term the problem has been resolved but I would like to
re-enable the daily defrag if possible. Has anyone seen a similar problem ?
Alaric Turner
Alaric Turner
Systems Manager
Albourne Partners Limited
+44 (0)20 77209201
Received on Mon Dec 15 2003 - 11:19:49 NZDT