Administrivia: Tru64-UNIX-Managers information and policy statement

From: Dave Sill <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 17:54:00 +0000


Tru64-UNIX-Managers Information and Rules

This message is a summary of the Tru64-UNIX-managers charter and rules.
Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in severe chastisement by
the list maintainer and other list participants. Retain a copy of this
statement and refer to it before submitting messages to the list or the list

Last modified: 2002-10-09 |

  1. Send only HP Tru64 UNIX (formerly Compaq Tru64 UNIX (formerly |
     Digital UNIX (formerly Digital OSF/1))) system management questions and |
     summaries to Include your return address in
     the body of your message so people can reply directly to you. Avoid MIME
     and HTML--many people can't read them.

  2. This list is not moderated! Every message that is sent to the list will
     be passed on to every member of the list (with a few small exceptions).

  3. This mailing list is managed by a utility called Majordomo. You can
     subscribe to the list by sending a message like:

           subscribe tru64-unix-managers


     Likewise, if you want to remove yourself from the list, send the

           unsubscribe tru64-unix-managers

     to the same address. If that fails, examine the headers of a message
     from the list. You should see something like:

           From Wed Dec 31 17:02:32 1997

     Your subscription address is embedded in the return address after
     "tru64-unix-managers-owner-" and before "". Just
     replace the "=" with an "_at_". Then send a message to

           unsubscribe tru64-unix-managers you_at_your.domain

     If you don't see anything like this, let me know and I'll see if I can
     find you on the list.

     For a complete list of Majordomo commands, use the command:


  4. This list is intended to be a quick-turnaround troubleshooting aid for
     those who administer and manage Alpha AXP systems running Tru64 UNIX. |
     Its primary purpose is to provide the Tru64 UNIX manager with a quick
     source of information for time-critical system management problems.

  5. This list is not available as a digest. If you don't want a bunch of
     list messages cluttering your mailbox, use procmail, deliver, or some
     other filtering mechanism to file list messages in a separate folder.
     You can also unsubscribe from the list and read it via the web

  6. Answers to questions are to be mailed back to the questioner and are
     not to be sent to the entire list. Before responding, please make sure
     the questioner hasn't already posted a summary. People often respond
     very quickly to messages posted to the list and it's not unusual for a
     summary to be posted within an hour of the original question. This is
     especially important if you only read list messages periodically.

  7. The person who originally asked the question has the responsibility of
     summarizing the answers and sending the entire summary back to the
     list. Consider this the price you pay for the advice you receive. When
     a summary is sent back to the list, it should contain the word
     "SUMMARY" as the first word of the "Subject" line. The summary should
     include a brief description of the original question and a short
     synopsis of each of the unique responses. Don't just list the
     respondents or say the problem is fixed, and don't just include a copy
     of all of the responses.

  8. Discussions on any topic are very strongly discouraged and will not
     normally be tolerated.

  9. Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE), also known as "SPAM", is, of
     course, not allowed. If you receive an inappropriate message via the
     list, feel free to complain to the originator or the originator's
     service provider. Do not post complaints to the list.

 10. If it is not technical and specifically related to Tru64 UNIX
     management, then it does not belong on this list. Requests for vendor
     recommendations are tolerated, provided that the hardware in question
     is something that system managers normally purchase.

 11. Requests for software (free or otherwise) should be limited to software
     that is directly related to Tru64 UNIX management.

 12. Tru64 UNIX-related job offers must be submitted for posting to the list |
     owner at Resumes should be posted |
     to the relevant *.resumes newsgroups. |

 13. Please...Think before you send a message! Ask yourself "Is this really
     appropriate?" There are enough other newsgroups and mailing lists
     around to cover the marginal topics. Perhaps there is another forum
     that is more appropriate.

 14. Tru64-UNIX-Managers messages are archived and available via the World
     Wide Web (WWW):

     A European web archive is also available:

 15. Similar lists for non-Tru64 UNIX platforms are:

         Vendor List Name How to Subscribe
         ====== ========= ================

         Cray unicos-l ask
                                     (CUG members only)

         DEC AlphaNT send "subscribe alphant" to

         DEC decstation-managers send "subscribe decstation-managers"

         HP hpux-admin send "subscribe hpux-admin" to

         IBM AIX-L send "subscribe aix-l your name" to

         Red Hat axp-list send "subscribe" to |

         SGI info-iris ask
                                     (high volume: duplicates
                                     comp.sys.sgi.* newsgroups)

         Sun sunmanagers |

 16. Other forums that relate to DEC Alpha systems:

             comp.sys.dec includes all DEC hardware and software
             comp.unix.tru64 Tru64 UNIX on the Alpha platform
             comp.os.vms VMS issues for VAX and Alpha platforms
             vmsnet.alpha VMS on Alpha platforms

Dave Sill
Tru64-UNIX-Managers maintainer
Workstation Support
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Received on Tue Dec 23 2003 - 17:55:31 NZDT

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