DECnet/OSI with WAN Support

From: Karl Vogel <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:13:23 +0100


I'm installing a new system (V5.1B) with:

- Compaq DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V5.1A
- HP Wide Area Network Support for Tru64 UNIX V4.1A

The X.25 communication only uses LLC2 links, so there are no local
synchronous drivers. DECnet/OSI is configured to use X.25 as a CONS
transport. However it seems that the startup sequence of the rc3.d scripts
is wrong?!

The startup files:

/sbin/rc3.d/S28.10netman /sbin/rc3.d/S28.61x25
/sbin/rc3.d/S28.15ctf /sbin/rc3.d/S28.70rfc1006
/sbin/rc3.d/S28.20wdd /sbin/rc3.d/S28.95osi_applications
/sbin/rc3.d/S28.30dli /sbin/rc3.d/S28clu_mid

DECnet/OSI is started before X25, so it is unable to create the cons
templates. If I change the S28.61x25 into S28.51x25 it works, but I was
wondering if I'm doing something wrong here. I prefer not to change system
files as that makes upgrades a nightmare!

This is how I set it all up:
- Install WAN Support
- run 'wansetup KERNEL'
- reboot
- 'wansetup ADVANCED' to create the X.25 configuration
- Install DECnet/OSI
- 'decnetsetup ADVANCED' to create the DECnet configuration
- run 'dnax25setup' to configure DECnet for X.25

NOTE: I had to change the dnax25setup script, as it didn't see X.25 was
already configured - so it always started x25setup

  This is the change:

            X25_NCL_SCRIPT=`$AWK '$1 ~ /ncl$/ {print $3}' $X25STARTUP`
        elif [ -f $X25STARTUP2 ]
            X25_NCL_SCRIPT=`$AWK '$1 ~ /ncl$/ {print $3}' $X25STARTUP2`

  changed to:

            X25_NCL_SCRIPT=`$AWK '$1 ~ /\/ncl$/ {print $3}' $X25STARTUP`
        elif [ -f $X25STARTUP2 ]
            X25_NCL_SCRIPT=`$AWK '$1 ~ /\/ncl$/ {print $3}' $X25STARTUP2`

Problem was that the configuration script searched for 'ncl'. However there
were 2 lines with ncl, so it used the wrong value.

# grep ncl /usr/sbin/x25startup
/usr/bin/ncl < /var/dna/scripts/x25startup.ncl > /dev/console

Strange that this hasn't been fixed in a patch yet.

So.. am I doing something seriously wrong here, or are the setup scripts
Received on Mon Jan 12 2004 - 13:11:11 NZDT

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