Well, I've received only a few replies so far and still have the problem. I've
been doing a bit more testing to try and figure this out.
I've tried using dxaccounts with all the rest of our systems here, and it works
like a charm on all but 2 machines. These 2 machines do what I explained in my
first email (user accounts disappearing in dxaccounts). The only thing that
these two machines do that the other machines do not, is run as DNS servers
(slave servers to be exact). They are running BIND version 9.2.0. I'm
wondering if somehow somewhere this has something to do with the problem.
Anyway, I think I'm going to open up a call with HP. I will summerize if/when I
get this figured out. Thanks to those that did reply. =)
Jonathan Williams
Unix Systems Administrator
The Shubert Organization, Inc.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Williams" <jonathw_at_shubertorg.com>
To: <tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 10:05 AM
Subject: Adduser and dxaccounts
| I have a weird problem, but I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong. I am in
| the process of training a co-worker to be a backup sys admin. I am using a
| Alphaserver ES40 running Tru64 5.1b PK 3 for his training.
| I was showing him how to go about adding users, and I noticed something odd.
| have password shadowing enabled on this system. I usually add users via the
| "adduser" program. This always works nicely. I then showed my co-worker the
| "dxaccounts" program so he could see that. What I noticed was that none of
| users that I have added with "adduser" are in there. Dxaccounts only seems to
| have the users that existed BEFORE shadowing was enabled.
| Another odd thing I noticed was that if I add a new user via dxaccounts, and
| then exit and restart that program...the user disappears. The user is still
| the system, and in the /etc/passwd file, but does not show up in dxaccounts.
| So am I doing something wrong here? Or is it working as intended? This is a
| stand-alone system (not clustered), and just uses normal local users...no NIS
| anything like that. Any help would be appreciated. =)
| Jonathan Williams
| Unix Systems Administrator
| The Shubert Organization, Inc.
Received on Wed Feb 04 2004 - 15:21:51 NZDT