Our server configuration is as follows,
ES40 - 4 CPU, 14GB RAM
Swap is about 28GB.
We are running 2 Oracle instances on this server (Total SGA is 4.5GB). Per
Oracle recommendation,
ssm_threshold = 0
new_wire_method = 0
gh_chunks = 0 (we tried setting this higher but it did not make a
After a couple of days the server performance degrades and the response time
is very poor. Commands like top, ps take about 10-20 secs.
Vmstat output is below,
Virtual Memory Statistics: (pagesize = 8192)
procs memory pages intr cpu
r w u act free wire fault cow zero react pin pout in sy cs us sy
22 2K 162 1M 1753 480K 967M 55M 457M 6M 36M 488K 395 28K 3K 36 15
20 2K 157 1M 1860 480K 2807 313 1106 425 236 129 350 17K 4K 65 35
16 2K 162 1M 1268 480K 4476 150 1255 671 220 149 1K 24K 4K 63 37
22 2K 163 1M 2047 480K 5656 122 1366 1406 264 297 808 25K 4K 61 39
17 2K 169 1M 2272 480K 3382 106 978 2500 171 243 548 24K 4K 65 35
25 2K 164 1M 2465 480K 1940 100 1132 136 133 43 250 21K 3K 73 27
16 2K 166 1M 1923 480K 4197 155 833 0 276 0 746 24K 5K 65 35
24 2K 166 1M 1791 480K 7276 108 1754 64 236 55 1K 29K 6K 63 37
22 2K 164 1M 1904 480K 3336 97 953 1736 103 260 854 20K 5K 60 38
11 2K 172 1M 2275 481K 7650 189 1452 1105 181 150 629 24K 5K 58 38
top output is,
load averages: 10.99, 11.15, 11.80
973 processes: 23 running, 30 waiting, 328 sleeping, 591 idle, 1 stopped
CPU states: 65.8% user, 0.0% nice, 30.5% system, 3.6% idle
Memory: Real: 6961M/14G act/tot Virtual: 7772M/28622M use/tot Free: 34M
Some of the FAQ's mentions about setting the vm_page parameters correctly.
Can anyone share the kernel settings in a similar environment and where the
performance is good.
Our settings is as follows,
vm_page_free_target = 2048
vm_page_free_swap = 1088
vm_page_free_hardswap = 32768
vm_page_free_min = 256
vm_page_free_reserved = 64
vm_page_free_optimal = 1088
vm_page_prewrite_target = 4096
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