SUMMARY: ES40 and ES45 PCI Scan order

From: <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 14:16:48 +0000 (GMT)

No that was fast! Thank you to all who have answered so far
and the many more whom I'm sure will follow after the Summary! :)

Dr Tom gave the most succinct reply.

Begin ======

I'm not sure I really understand your motivation. What version
of system software will you be running? In V5.x, which is what
you would have to be running for ES45 support, it doesn't make
a bit of difference, the OS will find the paths to the storage
and match things up based on the WWIDs. What am I missing?

As far as the bus probe order, you can see this nicely when you
boot the system, but I will comment that there's a huge amount
of parallelism built into the kernel code and you simply can
not assume that in an MP system with multiple busses and many
HBAs that there will be any predicability about the order of
probing, especially out in the mass storage space.

Put another way, what problem are you trying to prevent?

End =======

Or to put is another way, DOH!

Thanks all.
Received on Tue Feb 10 2004 - 14:19:44 NZDT

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