SUMMARY: network interface for an XP1000

From: Peyton Bland <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 10:17:23 -0500


First, here's the original question...


We have an XP1000 running 5.0A (no patches) which has apparently lost
its ability to communicate with the network. Some questions...

-- Is there a definitive way to tell whether the interface is indeed
defective? As I said, it no longer can access the network, so I
assume that the interface is bad, but I'd like to know for certain.

-- It looks like the interface is a part of the motherboard -- right?
(So I can't just replace the interface by pulling out a card...)

-- Can I add another interface as a separate card that plugs into the
bus (PCI, I think...)?


I received responses from...
   Phil Sullivan
   Trevor Osatchuk
   John Lanier
   Russ Schaefer
Thanks for your help!

The general consensus was that another NIC could indeed be added (a
DE 500, DE600, or DE602). See
There were also some helpful troubleshooting hints.

But in the end, it turns-out that the NIC does not need to be
replaced: Upon re-thinking our situation in light of one of the
hints, we found that the IP address of this machine had been disabled
by our network folks because this machine was discovered as being
used as a mail relay last week. (Anti-relay code was in place in . But we may need to update sendmail and have this
machine re-tested for relaying...) So, I'm a bit embarrassed about
missing this as the cause, but I'm passing this info along in case it
can be helpful to someone else.

Thanks again,
Peyton Bland
Received on Tue Feb 10 2004 - 15:19:05 NZDT

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