From: Jane Caldwell-Myers <>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 13:28:08 -0500

Hello managers,

As usual, I received a number of suggestions of things to check. I
have summarized below.

The cause of my problem was kernal parameters being set to low.
I increased two parameters:
proc: per_proc_data_size by 4 times and
proc: max_per_proc_data_size by 4 times, rebooted my system and I was
able to dump the filesystem and do a restore.

Suggestions of things to check:
Most mentioned that vdump/vrestore is for UFS and AdvFS and
dump/restore is only for UFS
Hason Atasoy... Before the restore ; did you rewind the tape by mt -f
/dev/.... and d you try to restore on th esame dds or dlt drive ?

John Lanier....Try using "vrestore -i" when restoring your filesystems
(may yield some
hints as to
why you're getting these errors). Also check for any errors/problems
the /etc/vdumpdates, /var/adm/messages or /var/adm/syslog.dated files.

John Farmer suggested doing a fsck and tar'ing to tape and then
restoring from tape..
Nikola Milutinovic.... pointed out that on 4.0D dump only works on raw
devices (I am on 5.1a)
Rudy Vanlaer...found that /dev/ntape/tapex can be used dump but he had
to use /dev/ntape/tapex to restore
Martin Roende Anderson: dump and vdump are for command line use
only...Next vdump command starts writing, without making sure the tape
is in
the right position after the last vdump. Tape needs to settle, going
forward and backwards over the head 3 times
with its tape mark, and NOT rewinding ( since it is a norewind device
you write to)
You could also use the -N for norewind in the vdump command.

Dan Byrd....suggested dumping to a dumpfile and then restoreing

Jane Caldwell-Myers
Laurentian University
705 675-1151 Ext. 2150

I have a problem with dumping and restoring a filesystem.

I seem to be having sporatic results with the vdump and vrestore
commands. I run the command

vdump -0uf /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 /
vdump -0uf /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 /usr
vdump -0uf /dev/ntape/tape0_d1 -b 64 /u

to back up filesystems on our ES40 running TRU64 UNIX version 5.1A.
The backup seems to be succesful but when I try to do a vrestore I get
the following error:

vrestore: unable to use save-set; invalid or corrupt format

*******PROGRAM ABORT****

Changed from vdump to dump command and got error:
# restore -if /dev/ntape/tape1_d0
I get the following error
Cannot calloc space for symbol table, errno = 12
Received on Tue Feb 24 2004 - 18:31:07 NZDT

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