Thanks, to everyone who responded(it's quite a big
list). I'll summarise those responses as:
1) Check 'console' variable: I had AS1200, which had a
graphics card on it. And my keyboard socket has
problem, it doesn't detect the k/b and started using
serial console. But, when i started the boot it was
trying to initialiaze my k/b and it used to fail and
give me a dump saying "panic (cpu 0): System does not
have a console configured"
2)ECU floppy : After loading from the ECU floppy, i
could boot this member.
And, My original Question was :
> Hello Manager's,
> I've 51b trucluster with few nodes. After adding a
> particular node, and when i try booting "b -fi
> genvmunix <dev>", it crashes saying
> panic (cpu 0): System does not have a console
> configured
> I verified the SCSI cables, upgraded firmware, MC
> cards/connectivity, changed the member boot disk,
> But this problem continus.
> Thanks in advance,
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Received on Tue Apr 20 2004 - 10:49:31 NZST