Thanks to the following for their responses :
Steve Feehan
Mark Deiss
Tim Cutts
Dr Thomas Blinn
Jim Fitzmaurice
Alen Yokhanis
In Summary :
They all agreed that is the expected behaviour, and some of the comments
are :
1. The echo $? is showing the results of the rsh command. Not the
remotely executed command.
2. rsh has no built-in ability to return the exit code of a remote
3. Use ssh, it does have the ability to return the exit code.
4. Modify the script such that it echos the exit code as opposed to
using the exit command.
And thank you to those that sent me example scripts.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Managers
I have a small script, that has a "exit 1" in it.
If I run the command locally then do a echo $? I receive 1 (one) as the
But if I run it through rsh, then answer to echo $? is always zero.
(see script below)
Is that the expected behaviour ?
if it is, does anybody know of a way I can capture the exit code of a
remotely executed script.
This is Tru64 5.1b, patch kit 3.
script to test exit code :
for iHOST in trac1 trac2 ; do
rsh $iHOST "/ora/dba/sbin/ ; echo $?"
Received on Fri Apr 23 2004 - 15:44:04 NZST