Summary: Enhanced security files migration from one system to another

From: John Galt <>
Date: Mon, 03 May 2004 11:00:50 -0400

Sorry for such a late summary. Unfortunately, I still don't have the
complete answer to my problem, but I do have some information and a
proposed method to accomplish what I want to do.

First, thanks to all who replied. Especially to David Williams who was
working on the same concept in parallel and found some relevant
information. And indirectly to Thomas Leitner who had previously posted a
script that was then modified and forwarded to me by David Williams.

Although some people thought that merely copying the auth.db files ( and
other relevant files) from one system to another "should" work, it did not
work for me.
The official method is to use edauth to export and import between systems.

In it's simplest form, the procedure is:

One the source system:
# edauth -g > edauth.out

Copy edauth.out to the target system ( along with the password file, group
file, etc), then on the target system:
#edauth -s < edauth.out

The above will get the user profiles for all users. Other edauth switches
are need to get the device files, default file, etc (see the script below)

I am still working on the details of my own scripts to accomplish this. My
task is part of an automated disaster recovery plan. I am also planning to
use ssh and scp to accomplish most of the automation.

I have included David's scripts for reference.

Thanks to all.

David's scripts:
(Please modify for your specific use before running.)
# This file: /scripts/dump_c2.ksh
# Host: u-whmsst1
# Author: David J Williams
# Date: 23/04/04
# Description:
# Written to dump the enhanced security databases. Note: edauth -gt
# is new to Tru64 V5.1B. -gt dumps the users profile along with
# the templates. Without the -t option only the users are dumped.
# On versions prior to V5.1B, you need to specify the template
# to dump it. Hence my routine to list all in-use templates.
# Unfortunately this method will not dump templates that exist in
# the p database but aren't being used by at least one user.
# History:
# Vers Date Who Description
# 1.00 23/04/04 DJWilliams Authored

export PATH

cd /

mkdir -p $SAVEDIR

now=$(date +\%y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S)
hostname=$(hostname -s)

etc/passwd \
etc/group \
tmp/d.auth \
tmp/f.auth \
tmp/p.auth \
tmp/t.auth \
tmp/v.auth \

edauth -d d -g >tmp/d.auth
edauth -d f -g >tmp/f.auth

edauth -d p -gt >tmp/p.auth 2>/dev/null;exit_status=$?
if [[ $exit_status -ne 0 ]]; then
  edauth -d p -g >tmp/p.auth1
  for i in $(grep u_template tmp/p.auth1|awk -F"u_template=" '{print
$2}'|awk -F: '{print $1}'|sort -u)
  edauth -d p -g $i >>tmp/p.auth
  cat /tmp/p.auth1 >>tmp/p.auth
  rm /tmp/p.auth1

edauth -d t -g >tmp/t.auth
edauth -d v -g >tmp/v.auth

tar cf - $tarlist | gzip -9c > $TGZ;exit_status=$?

rm tmp/[dfptv].auth

echo Done

exit $exit_status

# This file: /scripts/load_c2.ksh
# Host: u-whmsst1
# Author: David J Williams
# Date: 23/04/04
# Description:
# Written to load the enhanced security databases from a .tgz created
# by dump_c2.ksh. See dump_c2.ksh for more information
# History:
# Vers Date Who Description
# 1.00 23/04/04 DJWilliams Authored

export PATH

cd /


if [[ ! -f "$TGZ" ]]; then
  echo "Can't find specified file"
  echo aborting
  if [[ $(echo "$TGZ"|grep -c ".tgz$") -eq 0 ]]; then
  echo "File specified is not type .tgz"
  echo aborting

gunzip -c $TGZ|tar xpvf - ;exit_status=$?

cat tmp/d.auth | edauth -d d -s
cat tmp/f.auth | edauth -d f -s
cat tmp/p.auth | edauth -d p -s
cat tmp/t.auth | edauth -d t -s
cat tmp/v.auth | edauth -d v -s

rm -f etc/passwd.dir etc/passwd.pag tmp/[dfptv].auth

echo Done

exit $exit_status

Original Post:
Hello All,

I am having trouble migrating the TCB databases from one T64 v51.a system
to another system with the same version. The main difference between the
systems is that the system I am copying the files from is at patch kit 2
and the target system is at patch kit 5.

I have copied over the following files:

I have removed the /etc/passwd.pag and /etc/passwd.dir files and used vipw
after copying the passwd file to recreate the hashed database.

I've verified that the ownership and permissions of all the copied files
matches the originals ( as well as matching the permissions on the source

At this point, I can log in as root so I assume that the /tcb/files/auth.db
is functioning properly.

However, when I log in through telnet as a regular user, I get a message like:
"Can't rewrite protected password entry for user jsmith"

If I try to change a users password, I get a similar message:
"Password not changed: failed to write protected password entry"

I've done this before by simply copying the auth.db files, default, passwd,
and group files and it all worked properly.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.
Received on Mon May 03 2004 - 14:56:12 NZST

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