Several people have indicated that there was a difference between
the Miata
and the Miata GL, the latter would remember the state of the
power switch through
power breaks, the former not. I could not locate anything in the
documanttion to
confirm or deny this. However, I did put up documentation on the beasts
at position 8 of SW1 seems to be tied to
the power; however,
I didn't try this because the setting is the same on two of my
systems one of
which works and the other doesn't. I was able to clock one of them at 700
The clock settings are in
courtesy of Jeff DeMaagd.
-----Original Message-----
From: OpenVMS Managers List []On
Behalf Of Alex Daniels
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:43 PM
To: OpenVMS Managers List
Subject: Re: PWS500 Power Switch again
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "OpenVMS Managers List" <>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:11 AM
Subject: Memo: Re: PWS500 Power Switch again
> Tom,
> I have a PWS 500 and got the manuals from the hp (Compaq then) site. I
> presume you have these but if not, I think they were under
> The site does not seem to respond right now - if you want these
and can't
> find them drop mw a line and I'll zip them up.
> In the meantime... there is little on those switches other than
to confirm
> it is the speed setting. It does not give the table of
possible settings
> but says this is for 433Mz :
> N M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
> U D D U U D U D
> (Up or down when looking at the board with the switches at
the bottom )
> I have had an interesting problem with mine from the day I bought it:
> If I reboot without powering down, it gets most of the way through the
> startup (TCPIP Startup always) and crashes. After powerdown it always
> works. This is absolutely consistent but given it is for home
use, It does
> not present a problem.
> Good luck with yours - good machines...
> Paul
I also seem to remember while working for you, the DPW 500au I had on my
desk had a very dodgy power switch, I think finally I left a bit of
cardboard in it to keep it on. Got that fixed yet?
Does the TCP/IP Services crash happen, if you shutdown then do an
'init' on
the console and then reboot? And guess your already fully up to date on
Best Regards
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