CAA tape service

From: Ezio Cremaschini <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 09:49:24 +0200

Hallo, I'm having big troubles with my backup services on a Tru64
5.1a, 4 nodes cluster. This is the caa_stat output:

Name Type Target State Host
autofs application OFFLINE OFFLINE
cluster_lockd application ONLINE ONLINE srvscbux001
dhcp application OFFLINE OFFLINE
mczero changer ONLINE ONLINE srvscbux001
mczero changer ONLINE OFFLINE srvscbux002
mczero changer ONLINE OFFLINE srvscbux003
mczero changer ONLINE OFFLINE srvscbux004
named application OFFLINE OFFLINE
networker application OFFLINE OFFLINE
tapeone tape ONLINE ONLINE srvscbux001
tapeone tape ONLINE ONLINE srvscbux002
tapeone tape ONLINE ONLINE srvscbux003
tapeone tape ONLINE ONLINE srvscbux004
tapezero tape ONLINE OFFLINE srvscbux001
tapezero tape ONLINE ONLINE srvscbux002
tapezero tape ONLINE OFFLINE srvscbux003
tapezero tape ONLINE OFFLINE srvscbux004

as you can see the state of services mczero and tapezero are messed
up. Initially the networker service was ONLINE/ONLINE, I've stopped it
with caa_stop hoping to reset the dependent services (mc*, tape*) but
now I cannot bring it back online:

# caa_start -c srvscbux001 networker
Resource tapezero (tape) is not available on srvscbux001
Resource networker has placement error.

# caa_stop -f tapezero
Operation is invalid for this type of resource.

# caa_start -c srvscbux001 tapezero

No output but nothing changes. The backup library (MSL 5026)
has been power cycled with no effects either.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Ezio Cremaschini. (
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.
But, in practice, there is.
Received on Mon Jun 07 2004 - 07:52:08 NZST

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