Thanks to Tim Cutts, Thomas Blinn and Fred van Kempen for almost
instantaneous replies.
The problem sees to be that the way the thing untars, the makefiles sit in
a directory in which their relative path is not correct vis-a-vis the
bin. There is probably a 'proper' way to edit the makefiles to take
account of this. However the quick hack is:
#mkdir installdir
#cp gnumakefile installdir
#cd installdir
(cd $library && /bin/make install "LIBDIR = /usr/local/lib" "FC = f77"
"CCKR = cc" "CCANSI = /usr/local/bin/gcc" "FFLAGS = -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE"
-I/yd2/gath01d/downloads/recipes/recipes_c-ansi/include" "CFLAGSKR =
-D_ANSI_C_SOURCE -I/yd2/gath01d/downloads/recipes/recipes_c-ansi/include"
"FBIN = ../bin" "CBIN = ../bin" "FLIB = librecipes_f.a" "CANSILIB =
librecipes_c.a" "CKRLIB = librecipes_ckr.a" "RANLIB = /bin/ar -ts" "AR =
/bin/ar" "ARFLAGS = crv" "SHELL = /bin/sh"); done; done
and that's it without errors.
Thanks again for all assistance
Derek Gatherer Ph.D. Cert.Ed.
Computer Officer
Institute of Virology
Church St.
Glasgow G11 5JR
Phone: +44 141 330 6268
Fax: +44 141 337 2236
Received on Fri Jun 18 2004 - 12:59:56 NZST