SUMMARY: LSM for beginners

From: Mark Schubert <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 20:42:48 +1200

Many thanks to Danielle Georgette for her concise instructions on using LSM.
I followed the instructions and everything worked really well.

I have include the full instructions with the original question at the end.


-----Original Message-----
From: Georgette, Danielle
Sent: Wednesday, 21 July 2004 7:43 AM
To: Mark Schubert
Subject: RE: LSM for beginners


I notice an error in my instructions that will not break anything but
will stop you at the step of creating the subdisks. You already had a
subdisk called qad02-01 so you won't be able to create another one with
that name as my instructions have you trying to do.

I'd actually rename the existing subdisk so that the subdisk name
matches the volume it's being used in, ie rename your existing subdisk
qad02-01 used by vol01 to be qad01-02 (used in plex vol01-02). This
would make your naming standard much more consistent, notice sd qad01-01
used in plex vol01-01 for vol01.

The command to rename the existing subdisk would be:

 voledit -g qad -s rename qad02-01 qad01-02

Do this step before step three.

Sorry for any confusion, I can only hope you didn't get to try the
instructions yet,


-----Original Message-----
From: Georgette, Danielle
Sent: Tuesday, 20 July 2004 6:46 PM
To: 'Mark Schubert'
Subject: RE: LSM for beginners

My mail client seems to have dragged a few line breaks out so in section
3 the commands you need to type ended up all on one line. It should look
like this:

# volmake -g qad sd qad02-01 dm=qad03 len=35560968

# volmake -g qad sd qad02-02 dm=qad04 len=35560968

# volmake -g qad plex vol02-01 sd=qad02-01

# volmake -g qad plex vol02-02 sd=qad02-02

Hope you didn't get confused by this,


-----Original Message-----
From: Georgette, Danielle
Sent: Tuesday, 20 July 2004 6:15 PM
To: 'Mark Schubert'
Subject: RE: LSM for beginners

Here is a procedure for getting the disks into LSM but it assumes the
disks are physically installed, have a valid initial disklabel (the
default written by disklabel -rw is fine) and that they have a record
listed in voldisk list. I can send you the commands for these steps if
you need them.

The commands you need to run for your configuration are inside the -----
------ sections. Explanations are included so you know what you're doing
for next time.

The ADVFS part may still require the addvol if you want to put this new
LSM volume into an existing ADVFS domain. I'll read up on this but the
steps I've given you for the LSM section would be the same regardless of
if this volume was to be part of a new domain or added to an old one.

As always, feel free to ask any questions about the following and for
any problems you might encounter. I'm in your timezone so you should get
realtime daylight response.

Hope this helps,


1. Format disks for use with LSM

Format disks for use with LSM using the voldisksetup command.
Specify the number of LSM configuration and log copies as 2.

# voldisksetup -i nconfig=2 nlog=2 [disk_partition]

# voldisksetup -i nconfig=2 nlog=2 dsk4
# voldisksetup -i nconfig=2 nlog=2 dsk5

Check the disks are now formatted for use with LSM using the command:
voldisk list

Output should resemble:

dsk4 sliced - - online
dsk5 sliced - - online

Check the disklabel which should now look similar to the following:

8 partitions:
# size offset fstype fsize bsize cpg # ~Cyl
  a: 131072 0 unused 0 0 # 0 -
  b: 262144 131072 unused 0 0 # 25*-
  c: 35565080 0 unused 0 0 # 0
  d: 0 0 unused 0 0 # 0 -
  e: 0 0 unused 0 0 # 0 -
  f: 0 0 unused 0 0 # 0 -
  g: 35560984 0 LSMpubl # 0
  h: 4096 35560984 LSMpriv #

Check the number of config and log copies with the command: voldisk list

2. Add the LSM disks to the qad diskgroup

Use the command volprint -hAt to examine the current state of the disk
media (dm) records in the qad diskgroup.

# volprint -hAt

Add the disks to qad dg using the voldg adddisk command as shown:

# voldg -g [dg] adddisk [disk_dm_name]=[physical_disk_partition_name]

# voldg -g qad adddisk qad03=dsk4
# voldg -g qad adddisk qad04=dsk5

Check the additions were successful using the previous volprint -hAt
command which should now show new dm records for the disks added:

Disk group: qad

dg qad qad - - - - -

dm qad01 dsk2 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad02 dsk3 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad03 dsk4 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad04 dsk5 - 35560968 - - -

3. Configure the new disks into subdisks, plexes, and volume(s)

Use the command volprint -hAt to examine the current state of the
subdisk, plex, and volume records in the diskgroup.

Configure the dms into subdisks using the command:
# volmake -g [dg] sd [subdiskname] dm=[disk_dm_name] len=[publen_size]

Configure the subdisks into plexes using the command:
# volmake -g [dg] plex [plexname] sd=[subdiskname]

Configure the plexes into volumes using the command:
# volmake -g [dg] -U fsgen vol [volname] plex=[subdiskname]

Get the publen size for the volmake sd command from the dm record length
field in the volprint -hAt output. I'll use 35560968 from the example
you've given, you may need to change this slightly if to match the sizes
you actually have.

Disk group: qad

dg qad qad - - - - -

dm qad01 dsk2 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad02 dsk3 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad03 dsk4 - 35560968 <-- size to use -
dm qad04 dsk5 - 35560968 <-- size to use -

# volmake -g qad sd qad02-01 dm=qad03 len=35560968 # volmake -g qad sd
qad02-02 dm=qad04 len=35560968

# volmake -g qad plex vol02-01 sd=qad02-01 # volmake -g qad plex
vol02-02 sd=qad02-02
# volmake -g qad -U fsgen vol vol02 plex=vol02-01,vol02-02

You should end up with something like the following:

Disk group: qad

dg qad qad - - - - -

dm qad01 dsk2 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad02 dsk3 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad03 dsk4 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad04 dsk5 - 35560968 - - -

v vol01 fsgen ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
pl vol01-01 vol01 ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
sd qad01-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 35559424 0 - -
pl vol01-02 vol01 ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
sd qad02-01 vol01-02 ENABLED 35559424 0 - -

v vol02 fsgen DISABLED 35559424 - EMPTY -
pl vol02-01 vol02 DISABLED 35559424 - EMPTY -
sd qad02-01 vol02-01 DISABLED 35559424 0 - -
pl vol02-02 vol02 DISABLED 35559424 - EMPTY -
sd qad02-02 vol02-02 DISABLED 35559424 0 - -

4. Start the volume(s)

If the volume is mirrored (has more than one plex) the plex
establishment process may take up to an hour to complete disk shadowing.
For a new disk this is copying meaningless data. Use the following
commands to start the volume without shadowing.

# volmend -v fix empty [volume_name]
# volume init active [volume_name]

# volmend -v fix empty vol02
# volume init active vol02

volprint -hAt should now show the new volume started:

v vol02 fsgen ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
pl vol02-01 vol02 ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
sd qad02-01 vol02-01 ENABLED 35559424 0 - -
pl vol02-02 vol02 ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
sd qad02-01 vol02-02 ENABLED 35559424 0 - -

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mark Schubert
Sent: Tuesday, 20 July 2004 5:16 PM
To: ''
Subject: LSM for beginners


I have an Alpha running V5.1A that is configured to use LSM. I know very
little about LSM, but need to add 2 new disks as a mirror into an
existing ADVFS domain. Ie. I want to extend the existing domain by
adding the mirror.

I realise I can extend ADVFS domains using addvol but that requires
ADVFS-UTILS license which I do not have.

I would like to know in simple terms how to add the new disks into LSM
and the file system. Can anyone help with the commands to do this?

I wish to extend the qad_domain (below). The current LSM config is also
below. Assume for the exercise that the disks are /dev/disk/dsk4c and
/dev/disk/dsk5c and they are both 18GB disks.

Disks 2 and 3 are currently mirrored for use by the qad_domain. Disks 0
1 are also mirrored for use by root and usr.

#df -k
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted
root_domain#root 992064 112582 873224 12% /
/proc 0 0 0 100% /proc
usr_domain#usr 14338176 2578563 2661576 50% /usr
usr_domain#var 14338176 26997 2661576 2% /var
usr_domain#apps 14338176 8961825 2661576 78% /apps
qad_domain#backup 17779712 2664952 6815832 29%
qad_domain#db 17779712 3774926 6815832 36% /db
qad_domain#bi 17779712 187320 6815832 3% /bi
qad_domain#tst 17779712 4309987 6815832 39% /tst

Following is output from the volprint command:
Disk group: rootdg

dg rootdg rootdg - - - - -

dm dsk0d-swap dsk0d - 2733269 - - -
dm dsk0g-AdvFS dsk0g - 28676359 - - -
dm dsk0h dsk0h - 0 - - -
dm dsk1d-swap dsk1d - 2733269 - - -
dm dsk1g-AdvFS dsk1g - 28676359 - - -
dm dsk1h dsk1h - 0 - - -
dm root01 dsk0a - 1984135 - - -
dm root02 dsk1a - 1984135 - - -
dm swap01 dsk0b - 2167221 - - -
dm swap02 dsk1b - 2167221 - - -

v rootvol root ENABLED 1984135 - ACTIVE -
pl rootvol-01 rootvol ENABLED 1984135 - ACTIVE -
sd root01-01p rootvol-01 ENABLED 16 0 - -
sd root01-01 rootvol-01 ENABLED 1984119 16 - -
pl rootvol-02 rootvol ENABLED 1984135 - ACTIVE -
sd root02-02p rootvol-02 ENABLED 16 0 - -
sd root02-02 rootvol-02 ENABLED 1984119 16 - -

v swapvol swap ENABLED 2167221 - ACTIVE -
pl swapvol-01 swapvol ENABLED 2167221 - ACTIVE -
sd swap01-01 swapvol-01 ENABLED 2167221 0 - -
pl swapvol-02 swapvol ENABLED 2167221 - ACTIVE -
sd swap02-02 swapvol-02 ENABLED 2167221 0 - -

v vol-dsk0d gen ENABLED 2733269 - ACTIVE -
pl vol-dsk0d-01 vol-dsk0d ENABLED 2733269 - ACTIVE -
sd dsk0d-01 vol-dsk0d-01 ENABLED 2733269 0 - -
pl vol-dsk0d-02 vol-dsk0d ENABLED 2733269 - ACTIVE -
sd dsk1d-01 vol-dsk0d-02 ENABLED 2733269 0 - -

v vol-dsk0g fsgen ENABLED 28676359 - ACTIVE -
pl vol-dsk0g-01 vol-dsk0g ENABLED 28676359 - ACTIVE -
sd dsk0g-01 vol-dsk0g-01 ENABLED 28676359 0 - -
pl vol-dsk0g-02 vol-dsk0g ENABLED 28676359 - ACTIVE -
sd dsk1g-01 vol-dsk0g-02 ENABLED 28676359 0 - -

Disk group: qad

dg qad qad - - - - -

dm qad01 dsk2 - 35560968 - - -
dm qad02 dsk3 - 35560968 - - -

v vol01 fsgen ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
pl vol01-01 vol01 ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
sd qad01-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 35559424 0 - -
pl vol01-02 vol01 ENABLED 35559424 - ACTIVE -
sd qad02-01 vol01-02 ENABLED 35559424 0 - -

A list of the necessary commands would be fabulous.



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