I've got a DS10 running Tru64 UNIX V5.1A, PK2. Its current got a KZPCM-DA SCSI controller talking to a BA36R-RC "Blue Shelf" with two DS-RZ1DA-VW 9.1GB disks (one "system" disk, the second a "data" disk).
I have purchased a refurbished KZPAC-CA 3-channel RAID controller and a BA36R-RD split-bus "Blue Shelf" to add RAID-1 "mirroring" to this DS10 system.
I will leave the KZPCM-DA in place in order to continue talking to the DS10's internal tape drive.
My question is: how do I add the KZPAC-CA without re-loading the O/S? I'd like to shutdown the system, plug in the KZPAC, replace the BA36R-RC with the BA36R-RD, plug in the old drives and reboot the system.
But I'm pretty sure that won't quite work.
Suggestions/recommendations appreciated!
BTW, once I get the hardware configured, I will update to T64 V5.1B, PK4.
Thanks for you help.
Received on Mon Aug 09 2004 - 18:55:29 NZST