SUMMARY: Licensing and OpenGL questions

From: Milligan, Eric T. <>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 09:22:42 -0500

Belated, but in case anyone was curious:

HP support basically says that the PowerStorm was a better card than the Radeon that "replaced" it. According to the tech, the Radeon is an "affordable" 3D graphics card. I guess "affordable" and "lousy" are equivalent in HP-speak. They claimed that the PCI Radeon we were using would perform better if we got an AGP version; our machine (a Microway UP2000+ Number Smasher) doesn't have any AGP slots so I can't verify that.

We think we've narrowed the problem down to calls to glCopyPixels; replacing that call in a demo app with glXSwapBuffers makes the performance much much better. Of course, the app we're having problems with isn't one in which the switch would be easy.

HP's suggestion was to continue acquiring refurb'ed PowerStorm 300s through Island Computing, or to rewrite our app.


-----Original Message-----
Gurus - 
In a system here with a Radeon 7500 (3X-PBXGG-AA) card, purchased through a third-party, said came with an Open3d license, Model # QL-0AFAE-AA.  I noticed in the docs for the Radeon that it calls for a license, QL-6ZRA9-AA, to use this card.  So, my first question is whether these licenses are equivalent, if we need to use both, or can only use the QL-6ZRA9-AA license.
I ask because we have an OpenGL app that worked fine on older PowerStorm cards (i.e. 350s, 300s) that now appears to chew CPU (60% of 833mHz) when using the Radeon.  Replacing the Radeon with a Powerstorm350 brings CPU usage down to ~.5% and graphics redraws are much smoother.  So, not sure if it's a hardware difference in implementation of the OpenGL spec, or the app not using the Radeon because of the license.
Our developers are investigating to see if we have any oddball calls in the app that might be breaking things.
OS is 5.1B, PatchKit 3.
Has anyone seen anything like this? Suggestions, comments, questions, etc are welcomed.
Thanks as always, 
Received on Wed Oct 06 2004 - 14:24:31 NZDT

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