Dear Managers,
I'm stumped on this one. We have an Alpha 1200 that won't boot the
Tru64 5.1a installation CD. It gets as far as loading the SCSI drivers,
then halts. If we pull a SCSI card out, it loads the one before it and then
halts. If we pull another SCSI card out, it loads the one before than and
then halts. This leads me to believe that whatever is causing the problem
happens just after the SCSI drivers have loaded.
We tried pulling all of the SCSI cards, which left just the internal
ports with tape drive and CD connected. Since there was a terminator on the
cable, we unplugged the tape drive as well. With just the CD connected, we
got a kernel memory fault trying to boot the CD.
We have replaced the CD drive and tried three different CDs, still
have the same problem. We also tried booting a 4.0f CD, and it was
I put in a case with HP Support and they told me to run eisaconfig.
Eisaconfig? It's all PCI bus.
The latest thing I have tried was gathering system config info from
this site and from another Alpha 1200 that has 5.1a on it. I really don't
see anything here, but maybe some other keen eye will.
I'm open to any suggestions on this. Thanks to all.
Hardware at SHH (Tru64 4.0f):
OSF1 osflab_at_SHH:/ # uerf -R|more
uerf version 4.2-011 (122)
********************************* ENTRY 1.
OCCURRED/LOGGED ON Mon Apr 12 19:06:26 1999
SYSTEM ID x00070016
SYSTYPE x00000000
MESSAGE Alpha boot: available memory from
_0xe4c000 to 0x2fffc000
Digital UNIX V4.0F (Rev. 1229); Tue
_Dec 4 18:15:19 EST 2001
physical memory = 512.00 megabytes.
available memory = 493.76 megabytes.
using 1958 buffers containing 15.29
_megabytes of memory
Firmware revision: 6.0
PALcode: Digital UNIX version 1.23
AlphaServer 1200 5/533 4MB
pci1 at mcbus0 slot 5
psiop0 at pci1 slot 1
Loading SIOP: script c0001900, reg
_7fddf00, data c000b8c8
scsi0 at psiop0 slot 0
tz4 at scsi0 target 4 lun 0 (LID=0)
_(DEC TLZ10 (C) DEC 04a8)
rz5 at scsi0 target 5 lun 0 (LID=1)
_(DEC RRD47 (C) DEC 1206)
isp0 at pci1 slot 2
isp0: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2
isp0: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded
_by console)
isp0: Fast RAM timing enabled.
scsi1 at isp0 slot 0
rz8 at scsi1 target 0 lun 0 (LID=2)
_(DEC RZ1DB-CS (C) DEC 0307)
isp1 at pci1 slot 3
isp1: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2
isp1: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded
_by console)
isp1: Fast RAM timing enabled.
scsi2 at isp1 slot 0
rz16 at scsi2 target 0 lun 0 (LID=3)
_(DEC RZ1CB-CS (C) DEC 0844)
rz17 at scsi2 target 1 lun 0 (LID=4)
_(DEC RZ1CB-CS (C) DEC 0844)
rz18 at scsi2 target 2 lun 0 (LID=5)
_(DEC RZ1CB-CS (C) DEC 0844)
rz19 at scsi2 target 3 lun 0 (LID=6)
_(DEC RZ1CB-CS (C) DEC 0844)
gpc0 at eisa0
pci0 at mcbus0 slot 4
eisa0 at pci0
trio0 at pci0 slot 2
trio0: S3 Trio64V+ (SVGA)
_1.0 Mb
tu0: DECchip 21140: Revision: 2.0
tu0: auto negotiation capable device
tu0 at pci0 slot 3
tu0: DEC TULIP (10/100) Ethernet
_Interface, hardware address:
tu0: auto negotiation off: selecting
_10BaseT (UTP) port: half duplex
psiop1 at pci0 slot 4
Loading SIOP: script c0001900, reg
_3faff00, data c000dcc8
scsi3 at psiop1 slot 0
tz28 at scsi3 target 4 lun 0 (LID=7)
_(DEC TSZ07 0309)
Created FRU table binary error log
lvm0: configured.
lvm1: configured.
kernel console: trio0
dli: configured
i2c: Server Management Hardware
********************************* ENTRY 2.
OSF1 osflab_at_SHH:/ # consvar -l
auto_action = HALT
boot_dev = rz8
bootdef_dev = rz8
booted_dev = rz8
boot_file =
booted_file =
boot_osflags = A
booted_osflags = A
boot_reset = ON
dump_dev =
enable_audit = ON
license = MU
char_set =
language = 0x36
tty_dev = 0
com1_baud = 9600
com1_modem = OFF
com1_flow = SOFTWARE
com2_baud = 9600
com2_modem = OFF
com2_flow = SOFTWARE
secure =
logfail =
srm2dev_id =
OSF1 osflab_at_SHH:/ # scu show edt
CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
Device: TLZ10 Bus: 0, Target: 4, Lun: 0, Type: Sequential Access
Device: RRD47 Bus: 0, Target: 5, Lun: 0, Type: Read-Only Direct
Device: RZ1DB-CS Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ1CB-CS Bus: 2, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ1CB-CS Bus: 2, Target: 1, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ1CB-CS Bus: 2, Target: 2, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ1CB-CS Bus: 2, Target: 3, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: TSZ07 Bus: 3, Target: 4, Lun: 0, Type: Sequential Access
Hardware at ACW (Tru64 5.1a):
OSF1 osflab_at_ACW:/ # uerf -Rr 300|more
uerf version 4.2-011 (122)
********************************* ENTRY 1.
OCCURRED/LOGGED ON Wed Jun 30 23:34:53 2004
SYSTEM ID x00070016
SYSTYPE x00000007
MESSAGE Alpha boot: available memory from
_0x1862000 to 0x2fffc000
Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (Rev. 1885);
_Wed Jun 30 20:40:51 MST 2004
physical memory = 512.00 megabytes.
available memory = 483.65 megabytes.
using 1921 buffers containing 15.00
_megabytes of memory
Master cpu at slot 0
Starting secondary cpu 1
Firmware revision: 6.0
PALcode: UNIX version 1.23
AlphaServer 1200 5/400 4MB
pci1 (primary bus:1) at mcbus0 slot
Loading SIOP: script c0000000, reg
_7fdde00, data c000a000
scsi0 at psiop0 slot 0 rad 0
isp0 at pci1 slot 2
isp0: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2
isp0: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded
_by console)
isp0: Fast RAM timing enabled.
scsi1 at isp0 slot 0 rad 0
Loading SIOP: script c004e000, reg
_7fddf00, data c0012000
scsi2 at psiop1 slot 0 rad 0
isp1 at pci1 slot 4
isp1: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2
isp1: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded
_by console)
isp1: Fast RAM timing enabled.
scsi3 at isp1 slot 0 rad 0
pci0 (primary bus:0) at mcbus0 slot
eisa0 at pci0
ace0 at eisa0
ace1 at eisa0
lp0 at eisa0
gpc0 at eisa0
fdi0 at eisa0
fd0 at fdi0 unit 0
s3trio0: S3 Trio64V+ (SVGA)
_Plug-N-Play, 1.0 Mb
s3trio0 at pci0 slot 2
tu0: DECchip 21140: Revision: 2.2
tu0: auto negotiation capable device
tu0 at pci0 slot 3
tu0: DEC TULIP (10/100) Ethernet
_Interface, hardware address:
tu0: auto negotiation off: selecting
_10BaseT (UTP) port: half duplex
isp2 at pci0 slot 4
isp2: QLOGIC ISP1040B/V2
isp2: Firmware revision 5.57 (loaded
_by console)
isp2: Fast RAM timing enabled.
scsi4 at isp2 slot 0 rad 0
Created FRU table binary error log
kernel console: s3trio0
dli: configured
NetRAIN configured.
OSF1 osflab_at_ACW:/ # consvar -l
auto_action = HALT
boot_dev = dsk0
bootdef_dev = dsk0
booted_dev = dsk0
boot_file =
booted_file =
boot_osflags = A
booted_osflags = A
boot_reset = ON
enable_audit = ON
license = MU
char_set =
language = 0x36
tty_dev = 0
com1_baud = 38400
com1_modem = ON
com1_flow = NONE
com2_baud = 9600
com2_modem = OFF
com2_flow = SOFTWARE
secure =
logfail =
srm2dev_id = SCSI 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
OSF1 osflab_at_ACW:/ # hwmgr -view hierarchy
HWID: hardware hierarchy
1: platform AlphaServer 1200 5/400 4MB
2: cpu CPU0
3: cpu CPU1
7: bus mcbus0
8: connection mcbus0slot5
9: bus pci1
10: connection pci1slot1
18: scsi_adapter psiop0
19: scsi_bus scsi0
53: disk bus-0-targ-5-lun-0 cdrom0
61: tape bus-0-targ-4-lun-0 tape0
12: connection pci1slot2
20: scsi_adapter isp0
21: scsi_bus scsi1
54: disk bus-1-targ-0-lun-0 dsk0
55: disk bus-1-targ-1-lun-0 dsk1
14: connection pci1slot3
22: scsi_adapter psiop1
23: scsi_bus scsi2
62: tape bus-2-targ-0-lun-0 tape1
16: connection pci1slot4
24: scsi_adapter isp1
25: scsi_bus scsi3
56: disk bus-3-targ-0-lun-0 dsk2
57: disk bus-3-targ-1-lun-0 dsk3
58: disk bus-3-targ-2-lun-0 dsk4
26: connection mcbus0slot4
27: bus pci0
28: connection pci0slot1
36: bus eisa0
37: connection eisa0slot8
38: serial_port tty00
39: connection eisa0slot9
40: serial_port tty01
41: connection eisa0slot10
42: parallel_port lp0
43: connection eisa0slot11
44: keyboard keyboard0
45: pointer mouse0
46: connection eisa0slot12
47: fdi_controller fdi0
48: disk fdi0-unit-0 floppy0
30: connection pci0slot2
49: graphics_controller s3trio0
32: connection pci0slot3
50: network tu0
34: connection pci0slot4
51: scsi_adapter isp2
52: scsi_bus scsi4
59: disk bus-4-targ-0-lun-0 dsk5
60: disk bus-4-targ-1-lun-0 dsk6
"Customer service may be the only way that a
company can distinguish itself from its
competition these days." -H. Frank Gibbard
Denise McCracken, Systems Software Specialist
Misys Healthcare Systems, Tucson, AZ
Certified Tru64 v5 Systems Administrator
Comptia Network+ Certified Professional
Received on Fri Nov 05 2004 - 15:33:22 NZDT