XP worstation, 15inch DEC SVGA, Tru645.1B, no PK.
I have upgraded a system from 4.0F to 5.1B. The
system used to have 800X600 resolution, but now I
can't get past 640X480. The /var/X11/Xserver.conf file
does not have any entries in it. I have been trying
to add all different kind of lines, but nothing will
change it from 640x480.
It's been variations on this line:
args <
-pn -nice -2 -screen 800x600 -depth 24 -vsync 75
I've tried different color depths and frequencies, and
none at all, but no go. Also with no dash in front of
the pn. This resolution worked on 4.0F. Does the
syntax of this line look right for 5.1B?
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Received on Fri Nov 12 2004 - 22:44:41 NZDT